Do we deserve mercy?

Posted by Corey Mills on Wednesday, October 11, 2017 Under: Daily Flow
Daily, we go through life with thoughts of about everything a person can imagine; some of us, even more. The actions we make habits begin creating us into the individuals we are and will become. For some of us, it is a good thing. We aim higher, we set our priorities in position, we crack down on the things that may have, in time, made us fail. We reach for a higher calling, while maintaining a focus that tackles with precision, the things that hope to bring negative fault in our lives. Mm. What an amazing gift. We see. For others, our focus can be strong but for the wrong cause. We use our mouths, hands and minds to tear down lives; families, friends, co-workers, neighbors, other ethnic groups, and individuals of unfavorable occupations. We allocate our resources to degradation; time, money, creativity, relationships... Motives become shot with a 12 gauge shot gun at point blank range; dead. We become wicked with our intents; froward with our thinking. How can a person be so rejected! We divide ourselves into social groups, and do what good?

Can we return to whom we once were?
Do we deserve mercy?

See Daily Verse

In : Daily Flow 

Tags: daily flow inhale the word ministry mercy love concern health safety kingdom jesus 


About Me

Corey Mills Thank you for joining in. My hope and prayer is that you will be encouraged as you read the messages of the Daily Verse and Daily Flow. I pray that God delivers each of us from evil, and that we all are strengthened by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for reading. Your Humble Servant, Corey Mills
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