
Posted by Corey Mills on Monday, September 2, 2013 Under: For You
In every moment of your life, there is an Enemy who is continually set to destroy you.
  • If he sees that you are honorable, he wants to ruin your character.  If he sees that you are building, he wants to destroy your desire to build.  If he sees you are spiritually impacting the lives of believers, he wants to kill you immediately.
  • So, think it not strange when those toiling disparities of this world set upon you, Family.  My friend, Job, helped me understand something:
    1. In all of my toiling, worship the LORD.
    2. In all of my pain, sickness, and failures, worship the LORD.
    3. In tests, goodness, or financial situations, worship... The LORD.

It is God who authorize things to happen.  The same God can turn your situation around.

  • Believe In Him.
    1. Yet, in all your understanding, don't harden your heart. Be cautious, in that whatever you ask, God will Help you obtain it.  God won't do things for you as you sit and become lazy.  He will do things with you.  He does what we can't do.

(Sing) Only Believe, Only Believe, Only Believe, Only Believe

In : For You 



About Me

Corey Mills Thank you for joining in. My hope and prayer is that you will be encouraged as you read the messages of the Daily Verse and Daily Flow. I pray that God delivers each of us from evil, and that we all are strengthened by the Power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for reading. Your Humble Servant, Corey Mills
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